Cameroun - Agriculture. LE PAPILLON SOURCE, the amazing Global Societal Program of a Franco-Cameroonian entrepreneur Lundi le 15 Mars 2021 Société Imprimer Envoyer cet article à Nous suivre sur facebook Nous suivre sur twitter Revoir un Programme TV Grille des Programmes TV Où Vendre Où Danser Où Dormir au Cameroun
LE PAPILLON SOURCE, the amazing Global Societal Program of a Franco-Cameroonian entrepreneur.

What do we know about forests?

Our planet Earth is truly remarkable. It supports roughly 7.7 billion humans and millions of plants and animal species. However, the very existence of life on Earth is threatened due to global warming, which began after the industrial revolution and has accelerated exponentially in recent decades. Deforestation, monoculture, and greenhouse gas emissions are the key factors contributing to global warming. Since the 19th century, our planet has lost the majority of its forests to economic exploitation and agricultural expansion. Scientists estimate that forest cover has decreased from 66 percent in the 19th century to only around 30 percent presently. This has had profound negative impacts not only on our environment as forests trap carbon-dioxide and purify the air from pollutants, but also threatened the sustenance of over 1.6 billion people who rely on forests directly or indirectly for their livelihoods. Unfortunately, most people and governments continue to neglect the importance of forests for our environment. Humans continue to exploit forests for short-term gains and ignore the looming long-term disasters.

NGOMPEM, the vision of a man

Nevertheless, one social engineer Paul Elvere Valerien DELSART seeks to change this and bring about a societal, economic, environmental and political revolution at a global stage. The vision of Paul DELSART is to uplift potentially millions of people out of poverty and ensure that human development is harmonious with preserving our planet's biodiversity. He aims to achieve his goal via an ambitious cross-national and participative engineering program called “EL4DEV”. This passionate program will, among others, see the establishment of an experimental self-feeder experimental garden city in NGOMPEM, Sanaga Maritime, south-west Cameroon. If successful, the garden city will span over 40 hectares (expandable up to 100 hectares) and produce enough food to meet the demands of the local population and permit distribution throughout the national territory. All this will happen by neither harming the region's rainforests nor the natural delicate ecosystem and biodiversity. The ultimate objective is to establish hundreds of such garden cities worldwide, which will serve as sustainable development sites, ecotourist attractions as well as education and learning resorts.

Multilateral cooperation

This transnational project is labeled "Le Papillon Source Inner Africa" (sub-label of the label LE PAPILLON SOURCE) and entails the establishment of future agro-tourist cities and agro-climatic plant complexes, which will serve as showcases of a better future, models of what the world could become. Furthermore, the project will not only dramatically improve lives of people of NGOMPEM, but also pave way for multilateral cooperation, and across the board exchange of skills and information. They will be developed collectively by a very large number of players around the world. Young people will be particularly in demand through the establishment of online intellectual and scientific cooperation events (for their design) and artistic cooperation events (for their conceptualization and the vehicle of ideology).  This is a series of bilateral meetings (conferences, seminars, workshops, symposia) which will take place for several countries simultaneously.

The challenge
Let's now take a detailed chronological step-by-step overview of how this awesome project can become a reality, the problems it will resolve, and its positive impacts on society as a whole.
Around 80 percent of the world's forests are cleared to pave the way for monoculture agriculture i.e., cultivation of a single crop in a given area. This agriculture method is not only resource inefficient as it consumes vast swathes of land, but it also destroys the biodiversity of the region and deprives the soil of valuable minerals such as nitrates. In order to cover the mineral deficiency in soil, farmers use chemical fertilizers which contaminate fresh water and food chains. With the loss of the natural ecosystem, pests and insects thrive due to a lack of predators. Again, farmers counter this threat by using insecticides and pesticides which can harm humans. Therefore, the need of hour is to radically revolutionize our agricultural methods so that forests are not destroyed, agriculture can become efficient, and the 60 million indigenous people who depend almost entirely on forests can continue with their lives peacefully.

Paul Elvere DELSART and the EL4DEV program not only offer the potential to confront this challenge, but also to reverse this trend and provide a solution that benefits both humans and nature. In the first phase of project, around 40 hectares of land will be utilized in NGOMPEM, Cameroon to create a botanical conservatory and orchard. The challenge is to make the Congo Basin forest a spokesperson delivering a strong message to the international community at a time when nations are increasingly turning to the search for solutions to the many environmental and climate challenges that we meet.

Why NGOMPEM and Cameroon?
Some of you might wonder why Paul Elvere DELSART has chosen this particular place out of countless other places on Earth. Well, the reason is that Mr. DELSART is a Franco-Cameroonian. He was himself born in EDEA Cameroon of a Cameroonian mother, grew up in Douala and wants to do something for the people of his country of birth and childhood. His family owns land on site that will be used for its establishment (more than 40 hectares).

An environmental, agricultural, tourist, educational and societal project
Once the cultivation of flowers and trees is completed, apiculture or beekeeping will be introduced. The third phase will involve polyculture agriculture, thereby utilizing the resources such as land and freshwater efficiently, all in a clean and green environment. This will guarantee adequate food supply for the local population. The next step will see LE PAPILLON SOURCE transforming into a truly societal project. The facility will be developed into an ecotourist facility to cater to hundreds of thousands of people of people every year. Tourists will get the chance to appreciate nature and our co-existence with it and serve as a major platform to learn and educate tourists regarding the need to preserve forests. Nevertheless, the resort will also offer environmental and therapeutic tourism where tourists can come to relieve stress, meditate and take out a little break from the hustle and bustle of modern artificial life. That's not all; the resort can also be utilized as a unique platform to arrange seminars, formal or informal meetings, and school trips for children. The presence of fun and healthy physical activities such as obstacle courses and ziplining will make all the experience even more worthwhile.

LE PAPILLON SOURCE, an opportunity for Cameroon and Africa?
Some of you might be wondering that this incredible project sounds too good to be true, and is it even feasible? Well, the short answer is yes, this project is feasible due to a number of reasons. As mentioned earlier, resources will be utilized efficiently, thus bringing down the overall cost of project. Cameroon's natural climate is ideal for this project too, but what’s more important is that this project is sustainable and economically profitable. Thus, LE PAPILLON SOURCE is an unexpected opportunity for the village of NGOMPEM both economically and socially. This crazy societal project can lift people of NGOMPEM out of poverty and provide them with a green and sustainable livelihood which will benefit them and the planet as a whole. If successful, the project will serve as a role model for other small cities and towns in Africa and elsewhere.

Cities interconnected among themselves
The city of NGOMPEM (also called "The jewels of the forest") will be interconnected with many other cities (tourist or not) labeled LE PAPILLON SOURCE which will be located in the four corners of the world. Cooperation connections will therefore be established between all the participating countries in order to design and build them collectively. Solutions emanating from the collective intelligence of peoples will be shared among nations. This is a decentralized cooperation project.

International influence

People from different parts of the world will aspire to do the same once they realize the tangible and long-term positive impacts such projects will have on their societies. This will in turn, stimulate multi inter-municipal cooperation as countries and governments both in Africa and beyond will be eager to learn from the experience of Cameroon. This cooperation will further encourage the flow of information and skills amongst people belonging to different professions, social status and nationalities. Artists, scientists and intellectuals belonging to diverse fields will get together and get a chance to interact and share their knowledge and experiences due to this project. Normally such interactions are quite rare, but now these interactions will groom these people, especially youngsters and children, into well-rounded, passionate individuals. Subsequently, the EL4DEV program will be seen as a world political and societal transformation benchmark. Once, similar alternative cities projects are implemented around the world and particularly in Africa, they offer unprecedented opportunities to empower people of these areas and give them a chance to change their lives for the better. These cities will certainly be showcases of a bright future and what our world could become if similar programs are implemented effectively, supported by the society and then their benefits are distributed amongst the general populace.

The EL4DEV program, an international societal and political program

What sets EL4DEV program apart from other welfare projects is not just its novel approach, but the fact that it is a political societal mechanism and not a commercial project.
The particularity is that the infrastructures of cities and complexes labeled LE PAPILLON SOURCE will belong to the international community and not to shareholders. They will belong to the people of each nation. Each country will be able to finance the design and construction activities of these tourist centers / regenerating complexes for degraded local ecosystems thanks to a transnational inter-municipal cooperation program already launched “THE MUNICIPALITIES COUNTER-ATTACK”.
The concept is simple; the municipalities, especially the smaller ones, are encouraged to unite, to cooperate, to come together in national Economic Interest Groups with a 100% societal vocation, in order to co-finance the development of their cities. The infrastructures will belong to these societal intercommunal Economic Interest Groups. These EIGs will be the sole beneficiaries of the tourist economic benefits derived from the economic model of the cities. A management contract obliges them to redistribute the commercial profits from these complexes in the form of various societal projects so that the local populations are the ultimate beneficiaries. There will be one EIG per country.

LE PAPILLON SOURCE, a nation empowerment project

“LE PAPILLON SOURCE” is not a project of foreign investment in the countries but a real societal initiative, a process of empowerment of nations and distribution of wealth. It is also a project of social inclusion for local populations and of international influence for small isolated communities around the world.

The EL4DEV program introduces the concept of societal diplomacy

People need to understand that societal diplomacy is the alternative to economic diplomacy. In economic diplomacy, we prioritize only short-term financial gains regardless of paying heed to future generations. In contrast, societal diplomacy prioritizes personal interests over society's interests, future over present and long term over short term. This vision behind this fantastic project is what makes it stand out amongst other societal projects. This offers a beacon of hope for youth worldwide and provides them with an optimistic perspective for the future; that yes humans together can work collectively for the betterment of themselves and mother earth.    


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