Cameroun - Travaux publics. Wum-Bamenda Highway: Collapsed Bridge Hampers Traffic

People travelling between Bamenda and Wum in Menchum Division of the North West Region are now stranded on the banks of River Bafembe at Mile 36, Befang, following the collapse of the bridge linking Mezam and Menchum Divisions. The 12 by 4-metre bridge constructed during German colonial rule caved in on Sunday, October 9, 2016, after a downpour.
Following the construction of a new bridge, water was diverted towards Bafembe Bridge. Because the bridge could not withstand the heavy flow of water, it collapsed. At the site on Monday, October 10, 2016, some travellers were stranded as they waited for a makeshift bridge to cross over. Governor Adolph Lele L’Afrique, who came to see the situation for himself, called on the population to remain calm. He directed Wallang Construction Company working on the road to do its best to make the bridge passable. He said the Regional Delegate of Public Works was carrying out a study to come out with a cost estimate for the government to construct a new bridge over the river.
Governor Adolph Lele L’Afrique disclosed that government has made available 800 million FCFA to rehabilitate the Bamenda-Wum Highway. He therefore urged local people to collaborate with the company carrying out the rehabilitation for work to go faster. Meanwhile, the Regional Delegate for Public Works, Ndang Denise, said he was working on a proposal to send to the Minister for a makeshift bridge to be constructed River Bafembe in order to open up traffic.