Cameroun - Faits divers. Bonaberi, Douala: Rampaging Cow Injures Three People

Yaboa Ndula MUNTEH | Cameroon-tribune Lundi le 21 Novembre 2016 Société Imprimer Envoyer cet article à Nous suivre sur facebook Nous suivre sur twitter Revoir un Programme TV Grille des Programmes TV Où Vendre Où Danser Où Dormir au Cameroun
Inhabitants of Bonaberi around the Forêt Bar area were yesterday threatened by a big cow that got loose from a herd of cattle being taken to the slaughter house.


The cow that injured three adults, who are currently receiving treatment at the Bonassama District Hospital in Bonaberi, got loose at about 10pm Saturday around Ndobo, before heading to Forêt Bar around 4am yesterday. After distorting traffic, destroying a bike, injuring three adults and threatening inhabitants and passersby in the locality, a group of five brave young men led by François Djippe, arrested the cow at about 6am at the area known as Entrée Forêt Bar.

The main Shepherd, who decided to leave the remaining flock to his assistant in search of the derailed one, was happy that the cow that threatened human life was finally brought under control.  





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